I miss my dad!!

Clarence Lee Batties

Really missing my dad today. Actually … every Father’s Day just makes me think of him.

This baby girl was adored by her dad. I heard from my sisters that there were times of physical discipline for them, but not once with me. He did not even like me to get a spanking from mom. LOL! He gave me driving lessons and was patient with me when I became afraid of that Ship Channel bridge. He taught me how to change the oil on my car, how to change a flat tire. My dad protected me from everything … even myself.

My dad chose my husband, Lloyd S. Chinn. Daddy was clear to me that he knew that Lloyd was the man for me; he knew that this guy was his son in law. On my wedding day, however, he could not walk me down the aisle! Daddy had his tux on and everything! He came to the room where I was getting dressed, and he told me he just couldn’t do it! I asked him why, and he said, “Lloyd’s the one. But, I can’t give you away. I can’t do it.” Tears started filling his eyes – it was too emotional for him. So he assigned my nephew, Jacil Batties, to the task. Jacil walked me down so that I was standing shoulder to shoulder with my dad as he stood at the pew where he was seated.  When they asked who gave me away my dad looked directly at the preacher, Pastor Crawford W Kimble Sr., and said “her mother and I do”. He always treated Lloyd like his son – and never stopped treating me like his baby girl. I know he loved me. All the days that he was alive – I knew he cherished me!

I dream of him sometimes.  I hear his laugh often.  I see his smile in my nephew, Jonathan, and in my baby boy, Jeremy.  I see those hands that can build or fix absolutely anything in my son, Joseph. My dad didn’t want his best for me; he wanted God’s best for me.  Daddy loved me through my obstinate years and never brought the past up to punish or shame me.  Daddy was a great life guide.  He was a great listener.  He had great big hands that I believed could handle most anything.  His love for me helped me to love and trust God.

My dad directed his daughters and his grandchildren to do what is right and just, he taught us to live God’s way. My dad was patient and kind. He wasn’t jealous of anyone and was never boastful or arrogant. He was not rude, nor was he selfish and I never saw him lose his temper. In fact, I’m not sure that anyone could make him mad! He did not hold any mistake against a person, he forgave and moved on. He never lost hope that his girls would be just fine. He even told me he loved me on the last day that I saw him!

My dad was taught the Word by his parents. He studied God’s Word and understood God’s commands. He taught me what God expected of me and discussed these topics with me at home, at our workday lunch meetings, in the car, every place I was with him! Even as Alzheimer’s took over his memory, the Word of God remained on the doorposts of his mind and heart.

I just don’t think I’ll ever forget the loss of his physical presence with me. But more importantly, I’ll never forget all that he taught me and the true way he loved his Teetsie!

Yes — I miss my dad today.

3 thoughts on “I miss my dad!!”

  1. What a wonderful tribute to your dad! I miss mine too. I can’t wait to meet yours in heaven someday. 🙂


  2. There is a love that transcends all time lines dear soul so mourn not for dad. Celebrate all of dads glory for be very sure that when you both sit together in the glory of our lord. The travails of this lowly plane will be of nowt but a brief remembrance of a time when love burned bright in this darkness.

    Be well, be love and be light always for Dad is greater much greater than even you could possibly know 🙏


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