Day 30: For God So Loved The World …

April 8, 2024

On this final day, they call out to the one that they think is the ruler of all worlds.  They ask they he would appreciate and accept their 30 days of fasting, they ask him to make this 30 days worth their commitment and dedication to it. And, for the sake of their leader, Muhammad, they ask that the deity will make them stronger.

I’ve asked you to pray during Ramadan for Muslim men and women to discover spiritual truth in the Almighty God of the Holy Bible. As the Islamic holy month concludes with intense prayers to Allah, there is no better moment for Christians to pray for Muslims to come to know Jesus. This is the enigma of prayer. God calls us to pray, and He works through our petitions. This is a moment when believers worldwide focus their prayers. Jehovah hears our petitions, exposes Himself to Muslims, and answers our requests. In our ministry across Africa, we engage with Islamic people groups to introduce them to the Gospel, develop churches, and offer meaningful purpose to their lives.  Pray that we will be able to keep moving forward with the power of the Holy Spirit!

Sunrise Prayer: That Muslim-background believers will be protected from persecution and preserved in their faith.

Sunset Prayer:  Pray that as this fast is officially broken on this most important night to Muslims, that believers will worship God in powerful ways that will move the Spirit of God to give the Muslims hope and visions; and so that they may experience Jesus during this time.

Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.